Our Members:
Cristina Campabadal
Practice Areas:
- She initiated her professional practice in the General Direction of Protocol and Ceremony of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cult as Chief of the Department of Privileges and Immunities and assisting the General Director in different matters of International Diplomatic Law.
- Currently her professional practice is centered in providing integral advice in Intellectual Property, in areas such as trademarks, patents, copyrights and related rights, domain names, enforcement of IP rights and counterfeit goods and the coordination of the investigations of these two last areas.
- She offers advice in Corporate and Commercial Law to local and foreign companies
- Attended the University of Costa Rica graduating with honors in 1993.
- Formation and Certification of Mediators and Conciliators in 2001.
- Member since its foundation of the local association of of professionals in Intellectual Property, “Asociación de Profesionales en Propiedad Intelectual de Costa Rica APPICR”. Currently she is an officer of the Board of Directors.
- She has participated and assisted in the drafting of several important bills of laws in the area of Intellectual Property with the Costa Rican governmental authorities and Costa Rican Congress.
- Costa Rican Bar Association.
- Notary Public.
- Mediator and Conciliator.
- Official Translator English- Spanish, Spanish- English.
- Honorary Attaché of the General Direction of Protocol and Ceremony of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Asociación de Profesionales en Propiedad Intelectual de Costa Rica APPICR.